Mentoring Requires Care and Skills

Mentoring is not just simply sharing your experience or listening to someone’s story, it is an altruistic supportive practice that requires skills and good ethical understanding of the roles and expectations. If you are becoming a mentor or mentee, then you need to make sure you have a clear understanding of what this posture/role is so you, your mentor/ee and your organisation can benefit from it. This course will help you navigate the delicate balance of informality and structure so you can enjoy your role and ensure it is impactful for others too.

Why start this programme?

  • Shared Understanding

    Get a clear and shared understanding about expectations, roles and ethics of a mentoring relationship.

  • Enthusiastic Engagement

    Feel enthusiastic, ready and equipped to get started with your mentor or mentee.

  • Growing Skills

    Have access to the tools to get started and to continue to develop your mentoring posture during your mentoring relationship whether you are a mentor or a mentee.

  • Mentoring Community

    Share best practices, tips and issues with other participants and benefit from their experience. Ask your questions and get various perspectives so you can enrich your practice.

Course curriculum

    1. >> Video: Mentoring 101 Programme Introduction

    1. >> Video: What Is Mentoring?

    2. + Quizz

    3. + Key Points

    4. + Practical Exercises & Reflections

    5. + Further Resources

    1. >> Video: What benefits to expect?

    1. >> Video: How to make it work?

    1. >> Video: The 9 Roles of a Mentor

    1. >> Video: What Does It Mean to Be a Mentee or a Mentor?

About this course

  • 15 lessons


Cultural & Team Specialist Stéphanie Mitrano

Specialist in Executive Coaching and Entrepreneurial Mentoring, insightful and open-minded, Stéphanie accompanies organisations in their cultural transformation to support innovation.